Real Results: How AI Boosts Key Marketing Metrics

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May 16, 2024
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AI tools promise to get us to our goals faster. But do they actually lead to growth? They do—and we have the results to prove it.

Sixty-eight percent of consumers are likely to switch to a competitor that offers a more personalized experience. That’s two out of every three people. And with third-party cookies going away, personalization is going to be all the more important to maximize the effectiveness of owned channels.

You have the data needed to personalize your customers’ experiences, but so far, you haven't been able to activate it fully. The rule-based workflows you’ve had to rely on are limited to personalizing with attributes, like inserting a product name into a cart abandonment message template. So you end up flooding customers with partial-match messages they tune out.

In an ideal world, you'd be able to send perfectly tailored messages to each customer, based on everything you know about them. Then, you'd see more customers engaging and converting from your campaigns because you’d be sending them messages that more completely match their interests. 

Thanks to AI, that world is finally a reality. By harnessing AI’s ability to process large datasets and automate tasks, you can upgrade your messages from fixed templates to totally dynamic messages for true 1:1 personalization.

two text message screens showing examples of conversational AI interactions

That looks like every one of your customers getting a unique message based on their history, real-time behavior, and evolving relationship with your brand. 

Achieving this level of hyper-personalization can also help fill in the performance gaps left by the loss of third-party cookies. AI can be used across the customer lifecycle to:

  • Identify more of your brand’s site traffic and associate customer data with the right subscriber profile
  • Segment audiences so campaigns are sent to likely-to-convert customers
  • Send unique messages based on customer data
  • Engage customers in automated two-way conversations to increase the chance of conversion

Attentive AI™ does exactly this. Since launching Attentive AI, thousands of brands are seeing phenomenal results across key marketing metrics like revenue, conversion rate (CVR), click-through rates (CTR), and return on investment (ROI). And it’s saving them valuable time, too, so they can stretch each dollar further.

This isn’t a pie-in-the-sky idea anymore. Here’s how AI actually impacts your business, featuring real data from Attentive AI customers.

Little Sleepies achieves +31% incremental revenue with AI-powered identification and segmentation

Personalization starts with knowing who your customers are. Family sleepwear brand Little Sleepies added Attentive’s Identity AI to capture first-party data and recognize subscribers with greater precision and accuracy, so they could send more triggered messages based on shoppers’ behavior.

It worked, and now they send 47% more triggered messages—not missing any opportunity to build relationships with subscribers or remind them about products they’re interested in.

The brand also bolsters their SMS campaign success with Attentive’s Audiences AI. Leveling up traditional segmentation methods, Audiences AI refines Little Sleepies’ product drops list by adding in high-purchase-intent subscribers and excluding less engaged subscribers to reduce the risk of opt-outs.

SMS campaign from Little Sleepies, sent using Attentive’s Audiences AI

“By using AI, we’re taking the guesswork out of how to optimize our sends by expanding the high-intent audiences and excluding those with lower likelihood of making a purchase,” says Christine Taylor, Sr. Retention Marketing Manager at Little Sleepies. In fact, getting their messages in front of more high-value customers has led to a 31% increase in incremental revenue.

SwimOutlet magnifies revenue by 7x by automating triggered journey messages

SwimOutlet, an e-commerce destination for all things swim, drives most of their SMS marketing revenue with journeys like their welcome, cart abandonment, and browse abandonment flows. 

The brand previously relied on templated messaging because they had too many products and customers to personalize these messages effectively. But sending the same copy to everyone was starting to yield diminishing returns, so they A/B tested Attentive’s AI Journeys against their standard cart abandonment message.

Cart abandonment message from SwimOutlet, sent using Attentive’s AI Journeys

AI weaved together the brand’s company and customer data to deliver contextually relevant messages at scale to each individual customer. Since SwimOutlet sells a lot of technical products, the accuracy of product recommendations is key for the brand—and AI delivers. The result? AI Journeys helped SwimOutlet 7x their total revenue and boost CTR by 54%.

“By making the most out of our data we’ve also seen awesome jumps in how engaged our customers are, which means more conversions and revenue,” adds Ryan Moakley, Director of Marketing at SwimOutlet. 

Hot Topic lifts conversions by 45% while maintaining their brand voice in triggered messages

Like SwimOutlet, apparel brand Hot Topic knew they could increase conversions with more personalized triggered messages. But where SwimOutlet focuses on technical products, Hot Topic needed AI Journeys to nail their brand voice—while also tailoring their behavioral texts with all their customer and product data. 

Cart abandonment message from Hot Topic, sent using Attentive’s AI Journeys

When Hot Topic tested AI Journeys and compared them to their standard cart abandonment flows, they achieved 45% more conversions and increased their revenue by 39%.

“If you think about all the triggers you have on your website that respond to consumer behavior, we can write specifically bespoke messages at a consumer level for each one of those triggers,” our CEO, Amit Jhawar, shared at this year’s Shoptalk. “That’s the depth of the problem we’ve been able to solve. It’s not a decision tree anymore. It’s not segments. Messages can now be authentically written for each consumer.”

Marleylilly gets +23% CVR by optimizing send time with AI

Average send times have served marketers well over the years, enabling them to send messages when their audience is typically the most active and engaged. AI takes this kind of targeting to the next level by optimizing send times for every subscriber individually.

​​That's exactly why lifestyle brand Marleylilly was excited about using Attentive’s Send Time AI and gaining the ability to personalize when every message goes out to each of their subscribers.

SMS campaign from Marleylilly, sent using Attentive's Send Time AI

When split-testing against a general send time, the brand ‌achieved a 23% lift in CVR and a 120% lift in revenue per message (RPM) with Send Time AI. So each campaign takes the brand further with zero added effort.

Cecil & Lou achieves 14% CVR with conversational AI

Attentive Concierge™ uses conversational AI to act like an in-store associate. It can handle complete back-and-forth conversations over SMS—instantly answering questions, encouraging customers to buy, and recommending products to help shoppers along their buying journey. The result is 24/7 customer engagement that boosts conversions and cart sizes.

SMS conversation using Attentive Concierge™ powered by Attentive AI™ from Cecil and Lou

Children’s clothing brand Cecil & Lou uses conversational AI to make their behavioral journeys even more impactful. Their High-Intent journey, for example, focuses on engaging subscribers who’ve clicked on a text message in the last day but haven’t purchased yet. 

Attentive Concierge is there to provide them with the appropriate guidance, like sharing specific product recommendations with direct links to make buying them easier. The addition of AI-powered responses has resulted in a 14% CVR for this journey.

Boston Proper sees +13% CTR by optimizing send time with AI

Getting subscribers to take action is crucial for campaign success, which means clicks are one of the most important campaign metrics to keep healthy. Every click is a potential purchase, and your click-through rates signal that your marketing efforts are working.

While the content of your messages plays a role in driving clicks (and then conversions), the timing is also key to engaging customers. And as demonstrated by Marleylilly's experience, Send Time AI can have a major impact here. The tool uses advanced algorithms to analyze subscriber interactions and behavior, and optimizes your campaign performance by tailoring message delivery times for each individual. 

When apparel brand Boston Proper struggled to determine an optimal send time for their audience, they experimented with using Send Time AI instead of a fixed send time—and their campaign performance improved significantly. 

SMS campaign example from Boston Proper, sent using Attentive’s Send Time AI

Not only did the brand achieve a 13% increase in CTR and a 10% increase in CVR, but they also reduced opt-out rates by up to 50% and boosted RPM by 18%. All by sending subscribers messages at a time that works for them. 

“Initial assumptions we had about optimal messaging times for our subscribers were debunked by Send Time AI, leading to a highly successful adjustment in strategy,” says Gina Yanakieva, Marketing Manager at Boston Proper.

JAXXON benefits from +249% ROI by automating campaigns

The sophisticated level of personalization brands have been able to achieve with AI means more conversions and revenue. But it also frees up resources so you can get more out of your marketing budget and a better ROI on your AI-powered campaigns.

In one experiment, men’s jewelry brand JAXXON used Attentive AI to promote their Memorial Day sale. AI used data from past SMS performance to determine the best messaging, cadence, and segmentation strategy for this campaign.

Memorial Day SMS campaign from JAXXON, created using Attentive AI

Compared to a variant of the campaign sent without the help of AI, the brand saw a 249% increase in ROI, a 232% surge in revenue, and a 138% higher CTR. And that’s just one example. Ultimately, JAXXON gets more out of their SMS program thanks to AI.

Emma Sleep saves time with high-performing AI-generated copy

Beyond directly boosting your primary campaign metrics, AI improves productivity by automating tedious tasks so you can reallocate your team’s time to higher-value activities like creativity, strategy, and analysis. Tools like Attentive AI can generate on-brand copy, allowing you to quickly produce compelling messages.

Mattress brand Emma Sleep relies on Attentive’s Copy Assistant to draft better text messages and expand their team’s capacity.

SMS campaigns from Emma Sleep, crafted with Attentive’s Copy Assistant

When the team ran an A/B test comparing AI-generated copy to in-house copy, the AI version drove a 26% increase in CVR, a 20% lift in revenue, and a 3% higher CTR.

“This is an area we want to explore and test more as it can save our team a lot of time in producing campaigns, while also improving their efficacy,” says Danilo Dos Santos Mota, Junior Marketing Manager at Emma Sleep.

Exceed your marketing KPIs with Attentive AI

Adding AI to your marketing processes gives you more effective campaigns with fewer resources. That’s why AI is quickly becoming essential to staying ahead.

“The most significant piece of advice I have when you look at these technological shifts is, they happen very quickly,” Jhawar shared with the Shoptalk audience. “And you need to be on the forefront of experimenting with the technology to make sure you become a winner. Because when you aren’t a winner, you’re like taxi cabs when Uber comes out, right? You have to stay on the cutting edge.”

Attentive AI enables brands to drive high-performing email and SMS programs with 1:1 personalization in a fraction of the time and more effectively than without AI—so you can blow past your marketing KPIs and reach new heights for your business.

It’s purpose-built for marketers and flattens the learning curve so you can get campaigns launched quickly—no need to learn complex prompt engineering.

And it’s got the built-in compliance tools and trusted deliverability you need to power your email and SMS programs with peace of mind.

Thousands of brands are seeing phenomenal results from using Attentive AI to enhance their marketing efforts, particularly in creating personalized 1-to-1 customer journeys, including:

  • 120% more clicks
  • 117% more purchases
  • 115% more revenue

Want to see how Attentive AI can level up your core marketing metrics? Learn more and join the waitlist.

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